Visp – Aug 2, 2022 10:12 PM PST

Bug Fixes:

  1. Subscriber is now unsuspended after payment if the “Automatically unsuspend” option is checked, even if the payment’s date is back-dated, as long as the resulting balance due allows for automatic unsuspension.
  2. Signup amount is no longer accepted if paid below the total amount due.
  3. ISP timezone is now applied correctly to the created date detail added in the ticket content of an auto-generated ticket from email
  4. ISP timezone is now applied to the Date Created column of the Outbound Deposit Report for newly created reports.
  5. Account column is no longer required on saving a deposit report.
  6. Check is now the default payment method on adding new subscribers, similar to UBO.
  7. Searching email in the Subscribers table now returns the subscriber that matches the email.
  8. Deleting a filter in the Visp app now adds an ISP history log and no longer deletes a filter that is being used in a mass email template.
  9. Sending of mass email is now skipped if the To filter is not found.
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