Visp – Oct 3, 2021 10:47 PM PST

Minor Improvement:

  1. When disabling/deactivating a multi-ISP user, a log is now added to the other ISPs that have the user.
  2. 0.00 amount can now be saved when updating the FEE item price in the invoice view.
  3. Privacy link on login is now updated to the correct link.
  4. Company Name is now displayed in the Subscriber tab if the person name is blank.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Refunding a customer now works as expected for ISPs using Stripe merchant.
  2. Updating credit card no longer adds unrelated history logs.
  3. Error on saving the “Include service term dates on PDF” under Payments settings is now fixed.
  4. Deleted date is now logged correctly when deleting a subscriber.
  5. Company Name is now displayed in the “billed to” label in the Packages & Invoices view if the person name is blank.
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