Bug Fixes:
- Package details can now be updated for packages with a parentheses character in the package name.
- Since parentheses are still restricted characters for the package name, users will not be able to update a package name if the updated name still has parentheses characters.
- Start time in PST will now be displayed in the confirmation email history log.
- Request Upgrade emails are now sent to the ISP’s billing email as expected for requests from subscribers with multiple email addresses.
- Invoice Item Group Report 2 (Date Bound) Quantity list now displays the subscriber list correctly.
- New set of identified code exceptions encountered when using UBO are now fixed.
Minor Improvements:
- An ISP history log is now added when updating the mass email template name.
- ISP billing main phone is now displayed in the tooltip when trying to update a credit card token in Account Manager.
- If there is no saved billing main phone, the ISP’s primary main phone will be used.
- Services in the Packages tab are now sorted correctly based on the service label, where active services are sorted first.
New updates as of Apr 23, 2019 9:00 PM PST:
- Saving credit card or eCheck data for subscribers will now work as expected.
- The Customer ID column is now added to the subscriber list when clicking on the item quantity in the Invoice Item Group Report.