Visp – Dec 5, 2021 8:50 PM PST

Minor Improvements:

  1. Option to hide setup fee in upgrade page in vPortal is now available under Portal settings > Account Manager > Internet Service Settings.
  2. Subscriber password value is now hidden in the HTML code when the “View Password & Emails“ permission is not allowed for the current app user.
  3. City column header label in reports is now dynamically displayed based on the ISPs’ country.
  4. ISL dropdown is now automatically set to GCI – Grand Cayman Island for ISPs on Cayman Island.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Updating paper invoice fee description and rate in the Items setting now cascades changes to subscriber paper invoice default rate.
  2.  Apply paper invoice prompt text is now updated to clearly state that the action will activate the default paper invoice option of the selected subscriber group.
  3. BIll to item invoice date is now generated correctly to the parent subscriber invoice.
  4. vPortal signup page now checks the exact location ID for hotspot packages.
  5. Quote reversal items can now be deleted without errors.
  6. Items table in settings is now updated after saving item price changes.
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