Visp – Apr 13, 2023 12:45 AM PST

Bug Fixes:

  1. Confirm and Cancel buttons no longer overlap the amount field on updating the rate of invoice or credit memo items that allow custom rates.
  2. Email address retrieval is now improved to avoid subscribers not receiving the scheduled email template.
  3. Empty or blank email messages can now be sent to subscribers.
  4. Auto-pay for now retrieves tokens correctly to avoid the “Credit card number is required” error for subscribers with a stored credit card.
  5. Empty Model total summary is now removed in the exported CSV of the eCheck payments via NACHA report.
  6. Default Visp logo is no longer displayed in the vPortal Invoice view for ISPs without an uploaded logo.
  7. Arrows in vPortal menus are now removed since they were not part of its design.
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