- Archiving a subscriber now queues the subscriber to have their payment data removed after 90 days of being archived.
- Mapping theme fields on adding and updating is now consistent.
- Smiley emoticon is now removed from the ‘Do not Pay’ message in PDF invoices for subscribers who are in auto-pay.
Bug Fixes:
- On moving service to a new package, the default speed limit of the newly added/selected package will be applied automatically instead of the speed limit of the old package.
- Save and Restore buttons in the ticket now saves the description changes even if the Ok button in the description is not clicked.
- An upcoming custom item scheduled to generate on the invoice day of a subscriber no longer generates the custom item twice.
- “Context creation failed: DI001” error on logging in for suspended ISPs is now fixed.
- Successful refund for Paydup payment no longer displays an error in the app.
- vPortal message now correctly displays based on the subscriber status.
- Serveral format and font colors are now updated for consistency.