Bug Fixes: (Changelog Video)
- The alignment of the Billing State field is now consistent after saving changes.
- Users can now search for Serial/Description (i.e., non-MAC address fields) with a colon symbol on the IRM page.
- Users can now edit infrastructure locations with .rsc files or other uncommon attachments not listed in the supported file types.
- Users can now view the correct thumbnail for attachments.
- Users can now toggle the ‘Invoice Item on Add’ option when adding or editing a new item.
- The “To” label in the mass message has been relabeled to “Current Filtered List.”
- The Send/Save button in the Mass Message dock is now disabled if the To field is empty.
- The Send button in the Message Subscriber drawer is now disabled if the To field is empty.
- The first email address of the ISP is now automatically entered in the From field of the Message Subscriber drawer.
- Tag-along item rate now displays the correct price amount in the upcoming invoice after changing the subscriber’s billing cycle.
- The quantity of a service in the package settings can now be reduced to match the minimum number of active service instances across all subscriber packages.