An eye-catching business card is an effective WISP marketing tool, imprinting your service on future subscribers’ minds.
Has digital marketing made print marketing obsolete in the ISP marketing toolbox? With the immense reach afforded by social platforms, email and websites, it could be tempting to do away with the hassle of designing and cost of printing brochures and business cards.
Less Expensive and More Expansive
Instead of mailing an informative flyer with a well-designed business card to prospective customers, WISP operators can leverage a less expensive option – digital and social marketing. A mass email can be sent to an entire town or county with a single click of a mouse. Reaching the same number of folks through the mail would cost a lot in printing, stationery and postage.
Another advantage is digital’s fluidity. Changes in price, service packages or territory are no longer the big hassle they once were – just log into a website’s content marketing system and make the changes to website copy. With print, you not only incur design costs but reprinting costs, too.
But, don’t count print materials out yet – they still have a place in the ISP marketing toolbox.
How Cards and Brochures Ignite Action
It may sound as if digital has dealt a death-blow to print, it’s not true. Keep in mind that it’s been nearly 20 years since the advent of digital marketing, catalogs, brochures and business cards are still around. Here are three ways print marketing can help your WISP shine.
1. Printed materials convey value
Think about the last time you were handed a business card or brochure that you didn’t want. Did you think about it for a few seconds, review the design and re-read the headline on the brochure or name on the card? You probably didn’t go through the same process when you discarded an unwanted email.
Those few moments of consideration imprint your WISP into the mind of your future subscriber – which won’t happen with most mass-marketed emails.
2. You can’t post a website on a refrigerator
Special offers that come on a postcard or coupon — or special services — can be posted onto a bulletin board or a refrigerator to remind a potential customer of a product or service.
Every time the refrigerator door opens, it creates an “Oh, yeah!” moment when your prospect glances at your marketing material.
3. A business card is easy to hold onto
Well-crafted business cards are worth their weight in gold. If they combine eye-catching design with a meaningful tagline that conveys your key brand value, then they’re worth the cost and effort. Plus, they’re easy to pocket and rediscover when purses and pants’ pockets are emptied later.
When your techs are out completing repairs and installations, a stack of business cards can turn curious neighbors into real prospects.
There’s tremendous value in combining digital and print marketing to spread the word about how your WISP serves its subscribers. Strategize how you’ll keep your WISP top-of-mind in your subscribers and prospective customers — if you need professional guidance, Market Broadband is a WISP-specific marketing company.
If you need a new website presence, provides an affordable web-development service to WISP clients to help them keep their online presence sharp, call 541-0955-6900.
Thank you to Jhonatan-Saavedra-Peralta for providing the image for this article. His work can be found at