Win greater profits by leveraging quality products and outstanding customer service.
You know it when you have an “out-of-this-world” customer service experience. Or, when the product you’ve chosen is the quality elite in its class.
Think back to when you’ve had the very best quality in a product or service experience — an incredible dinner, for instance. Do you remember how the best steak you’ve ever eaten melts in your mouth as the meaty flavor expands across your palette? Superb!
When you stay at a premium, 5-star resort the experience is unforgettable for the right reasons. You sink into the comfy bed and get the best sleep ever. The attentive staff fulfills your wants before you could even ask for them… and the amenities! Fresh flowers, Belgian chocolate on your pillow and other touches that remind you that you’re the most important guest on the property.
When you experience the best product/service with customer service representatives that focus on your success, there’s an unspoken understanding that it all comes at a premium price. If you deliver on the best quality or a unique product/service, along with exceptional customer service, then you’ll have many subscribers, even if your prices are on the high side.
Learn from Disney
The king of “quality product – great service” proves the formula time and again. In all of their product lines — Disney resort, entertainment and merchandise — they offer a unique product/service that doesn’t come cheap.
Their fans willingly pay a premium price to experience the spectacular magic of Disney. Their theme-park employees are called cast members and are trained to refer to guests by name whenever possible, especially children, to immerse them in the full Disney experience. And, it’s successful — that’s why their theme parks collected$1.3 billion in operating income during the fourth quarter of 2017.
In fact, ticket prices have increased 70 percent since 2007 in an effort to control crowds. However, the park attendance also rose 20 percent, according to a Los Angeles Times study. Disney is concerned that when Star Wars’ Land opens, it will be first time in their history that they’ll close the gates and stop admitting guests because they’ve exceeded capacity — even after the admissions’ fee increases.
Applying the Disney Quality – Service Principle
Profit-minded WISPs always consider their subscribers’ wants — but, they also take into consideration the competitive environment. There are times when charging a premium for your broadband and customer service can lead to unbelievable profit.
If your WISP is the only game in town or newly established in a remote area, the monthly fee can be higher than if you’re in a region with a competitor. If you dominate the internet market as Disney dominates the theme park experience market, then you can get away with charging higher prices.
Got Competitors?
If you want to charge more than other broadband service providers in surrounding areas, it’s imperative that you offer a great quality product and exceptional customer service so your subscribers won’t run to the competition. Customer service is a bigger differentiator than you may think. The famed retailer, Marshall Field, once said,“Goodwill is the one and only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy.”
To be successful in a crowded market and still charge a premium price, always:
- Respond quickly to questions or complaints
- Use subscribers’ names during calls, repair visits or installations
- Create an environment of community and trust
Invest in software and platforms that keep broadband stable and available the majority of the time. In other words, build a stable network and delight subscribers with kindness to make them happy to pay their bill for your service — even if there’s another player in town that’s cheaper.