Listen to customers and act on their requests to forge stronger bonds.
It makes sense, doesn’t it? Deliver what your customers want to gain new sales, maintain long-term customer relationships that lead to profitability and reduce churn. If your customers hold the key to greater sales, it makes sense to listen to your customers and act on the information.
if you don’t have a regular way of gathering subscriber feedback, easy ways to get critical information is:
- Short questionnaires
- Surveys after maintenance or customer service calls
- Just ask them
Gather the data, then look for patterns that indicate problems that could cause subscriber churn and correct them. You can also see if there’s a trend for product or service upgrades and other requests for service and prioritize the requests that involve improving profits and customer satisfaction. The more you can keep customers happy, the better your chance to keep them long-term.
Listen to Customers About What They Want
In prior posts, the focus has been on how to listen to customers and deliver what they want. When your focus is to deliver just two of these three key ingredients to success — 1) quality product/service, 2) low price or 3) exceptional customer service — you’ll create happy subscribers and a full bank account.
For quick reference and your convenience, here are the descriptions and links to the article that dive into each of the three success ingredient combinations:
The Voice of the Customer (Overview)
It can be annoying when subscribers whine and are unreasonable, but you can gather information from complaints, too. When you understand what makes subscribers complain — or celebrate — you find the key to a bottomless, gold-filled treasure chest.
Customer Service and Low Price (Ingredients 2 and 3)
Discover how leveraging low or competitive prices and great customer service maximizes profit and reduces subscriber churn.
Low Price and Quality Products/Services (Ingredients 1 and 2)
Here, you’ll learn how to apply principles that Google uses to win a permanent spot in subscribers’ hearts, minds and homes.
Quality Products/Services and Great Service (Ingredients 1 and 3)
The lowest price doesn’t always win over exceptional quality and great service — Disney has proven that time and again. Discover how to apply the right principle to make your ISP the happiest place on earth.
Thank you, RawPixel and Unsplash for the use of the image.