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Subscriber Tickets

How to Open or Create a New Ticket?

1. Click and open the Subscribers list.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

Search for the subscriber or select from the list.

2. In the Tickets section, click on the blue plus icon.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

3. Alternatively, in the upper-right corner of the app, click on the plus icon.

This is a shortcut to adding tickets to an account.

Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

4. Select, “Open Ticket”
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

How to Populate the Fields in a Ticket?

5. Click on the arrow icon, to set “Priority”
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

6. Select Normal

By default tickets are set to Normal priority. You can change the priority by updating this field.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
7. Click on the U icon to set an Assignee.

Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
8. Select a technician from the dropdown to assign the ticket.

Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

9. Click on the plus icon, under Follower.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

10. Select a Follower from the dropdown.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
A ticket follower watches a ticket’s progress and might work on it if the assigned person is unavailable.

💡 In the subscriber field, input the customer’s name, address, phone, or email manually.

The system suggests matching subscribers based on your input.

11. Input a name to query or search for the customer from the database.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
12. Select the subscriber from the recommended list.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

💡 Create a ticket within the subscriber’s account to auto-fill basic details.

Adding a ticket within the customer’s account automatically fills in the subscriber details in the provided fields.

13. Click on the arrow in the Type field.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
14. Use the dropdown to select the Ticket Type.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
In Visp, ticket types are categories for managing and tracking customer requests, technical issues, and service tasks like installations, billing, and maintenance.

15. Click on the arrow icon under Status.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

16. Use the dropdown to select a Status from the list.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

17. To set a tentative deadline, click on Due On or Before, and choose a date.
Or to schedule an event or job on the calendar, click “Schedule.”
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

18. Set the Appointment Duration and use the calendar to choose a date.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

19. Click on OK to save.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

20. Input a ticket summary.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

21. Click on Edit, to input the description.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

22. Save your work.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

💡 Tasks and Attachments fields activate after saving and adding the ticket.

How to Add Tasks and Attachments to Your Ticket?

23. Click on the plus icon to add Tasks.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

24. Input a task and click on the blue check icon to save.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

25. Click on the X icon to the right, to remove a task from the list.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

26. Click on “Attachments.”
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
You or your technicians can add images to your tickets as proof of completed jobs or tasks.

💡 Remember to save your work when done.

How to Link Two or More Tickets

27. In the Linked Tickets section, use the dropdown to select if the ticket is a parent, child, or merged topic.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

28. Search for the ticket or select from the list.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
In this example, we’ll make the current ticket a child of another ticket.

29. Click on “Link Ticket.”

Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

💡 Remember to save your changes.

How to Add Fees and Other Charges via the Ticket Bill of Materials (BoM)

30. Click on the external link icon.
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

31. Click on + Other Item
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

32. Click on New Item
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

33. Click on Add To BoM

Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

34. Click on Ok
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

35. Click on Ok
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

36. Click on Cancel
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

37. Click on + Other Item
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

38. Click on chargedback
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

39. Click on Add To BoM
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

40. Click on Ok
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

41. Click on highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

42. Click on Ok
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

43. Click on Save
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
How to View Ticket Activity

44. Click on highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

45. Click on highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

46. Click on Save
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

How to View and Post Messages on a Ticket

47. Click on Messages
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

48. Type in highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

49. Click on Send
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

50. Click on highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

51. Type in highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

52. Click on Post
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

How to Send Messages to the Customer

53. Click on External
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

54. Type in highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

55. Click on Post
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

56. Click on Ticket #1575640
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App
How to Add Signatures on Tickets

57. Click on Signature
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

58. Click on highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

59. Click on Accept
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

How to Close, Delete, or Resolve a Ticket

60. Click on Mark as Resolved
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

61. Click on Resolve Ticket
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

62. Click on Yes
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

63. Type in highlight
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

64. Click on Send
Subscriber Tickets - Visp App

💡 For more information about this and all other features in Visp, reach out to your Visp Client Success Team today. Phone: 541-955-6900 Email: Open a ticket via

Service Desk Tickets

Learn how to create, manage, and resolve service desk tickets in the Visp web app with step-by-step instructions and detailed feature overviews.

Service Desk

Discover how to add, prioritize, and manage service desk tickets in Visp, including assigning technicians, scheduling activities, and tracking progress efficiently.

Sections of the Service Desk: List, Calendar, Kanban

Learn how to sort, customize, and export tickets in Visp’s Service Desk using List, Calendar, and Kanban views, with tools for scheduling, priority sorting, and CSV exports.

Subscriber Tickets

Learn to create, populate, and manage subscriber tickets in Visp, including setting priorities, assigning tasks, scheduling events, and adding attachments.